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This picture looks better than 13.35% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.03
This picture has been rated : 129 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.08
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Jardini, Flowerhorn, Ornate Bichir, Featherfin Catfish, Gibbicep Pleco and an Angelfish together with em all!
Think for the fish aswell as yourself.. you dont wanna have a BIG family living in a 1 room house do you!! And eat potatos everyday.. so yea.. get the fish if you can give it a meaningful life.. tank size, right food, nice rock plant driftwood for a home.. they NEED it aswell!!
Fish Kept:
Tried everything including coral marine and planted but always go back to freshwater.. its more my style i guess.
Just whatever was nice.
Tank Size:
150 gallons
Yesterday is Yesterday.. If we try to recapture it.. We will only lose.. Tomorrow!
About Yourself:
By the nick you should know half already and that looking at peoples tanks nomatter how bad good it is.. I still learn from it so dont bag people just give em advice.