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This picture looks better than 80.66% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.74
This picture has been rated : 107 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
More Info
New York
United States
150 Reef Ready Tank with a 30 Gallon sump and 6 Gallon refugium.
Eheim 2028 canister Filter
Eheim 2229 Wet/Dry
Black Tahitian moon sand
Texas Holey rock
Lace Rock
Painted Black Background
Keep learning/researching and don't be afraid to try new things because there's never really only one correct way and scheduled water changes ( I do mine weekly)
Fish Kept:
5 Cynotilapia afra Jalo Reef Yellow Top,
6 Rusty,
6 Labeotropheus trewavasae Red Top,
6 Labidochromis sp. ''Hongi'' Hongi Island,
5 Metriaclima Msobo,
6 Yellow tail Acei,
7 Pseudotropheus sp. ''Williamsi North''
Tank Size:
150 gallons