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This picture looks better than 83.33% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.98
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The Average Score for this category is: 5.47
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United States
This is the first time i have ever put a lot of thought in to a living breathing planted tank. I have 3 40 watt flourescent bulbs, a yiest CO2 reactor and I fertilize weekly with both potassium and iron supplements.
Use yiest CO2.
Fish Kept:
I have tooo many fish. I originnaly had 2 Kribs, but they spawned and now there are maybe 15 of them. This doesnt include the new batch of baby krib hovering around the bottom with there parents. I also have 2 glass cats, 7 ottos, 5 corys, two large angels, 6 tiger barbs, 8 von rio tetras, a gold claw crab somwhere, two bitterlings, two white stripped loaches, 2 red tailed sharks, a gourami, and probably some others i forgot. I really need to get rid of a few.
two large amazon sword plants, anubias, java fern everywhere, M. lace plant, onion plants, camboma, and a couple others.
Tank Size:
75 gallons
That one by ceasar