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This picture looks better than 7.18% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 2.75
This picture has been rated : 235 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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Aqua One AR-620 with powerhead mechanical and biological filter, two 20 watt blue/white globes, air stone, sand substrate and fake plants and logs.
Always read up first on the fish you want to include in your aquarium. A lot of tropical fish can grow quite large! Don't forget to test regularly for pH, ammonia, nitrItes and nitrAtes.
Fish Kept:
4 rummy nose tetras, 1 electric yellow, 4 hockey stick tetras, 1 red eye tetra, 4 Colombian tetras, 3 cardinal tetras, 4 cherry barbs
Plastic plants
Tank Size:
24 gallons
It's better down where it's wetter take it from me - The Little Mermaid
Fish are friends, not food - A Shark's Tale
About Yourself:
I've been into fish keeping for over 3 years now, I have 3 tanks, 1 tropical, 1 cold, and 1 turtle.