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United States
10 gallon starter kit. It's glass, it came with a filter, and I got a buble bar and air pump seperate. I don't really think the buble bar is needed, but Belle really enjoys swimming thru the bubbles....
Well I am still new at this myself. Lots of reading has helped me out a lot. Take it slow, because I only have a 10 gallon, and when I first started I still felt overwhelmed at times. I have also asked a lot of questions...people who love this hobby are so willing to give helpful advice!
Fish Kept:
Belle- she is a fantail goldfish
just fake plants from petsmart, and other small decorations
Tank Size:
10 gallons
If you judge people, you have no time to love them
About Yourself:
I'm a student. This is my first fish tank, and really is not comaprable to the other advaced tanks on this site, but I have had so much fun getting Belle's tank set up. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Who knew this could be so fun?!