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The Average Score for this category is: 5.23
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48"x18"x24". Custom built stand and canopy, 192watts T8 lighting. Background is real slate siliconed in place. A Wide variety of very colourful African Cichlids (Super Red Empress, O. Lithobates, Aulonocara Baenshi, Lemon Yellow Jake, Labeotropheus, Cynotilapia Afra). Filtration is via three canister filters, one with a surface skimmer. Although not technically dedicated to plants, it also houses some beautiful Giant Hygro, Amazon Swords, and Red Hygro. Total Stock is currently 18 fish.
Research, Research, Research. Figure out what fish you like BEFORE setting up.
Fish Kept:
African Cichlids of various types (Almost exclusively Malawi), Synodontis Catfish
Amazon Sword, Hygro
Tank Size:
90 gallons
Suck it up, Princess.