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The Average Score for this category is: 5.69
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New Jersey
United States
46 FrontBow tank, with a coraligh top and two fliters, and Merineland backtank 50 gal filter and a Eheim canister. Protein skimmer in the back and 2 water pumps. I also have a timer and heater and a Mag float front glass cleaner.
Bow tanks are really nice. You can see almost every corner of the tank. I am very pleased with the result I got 1 year after i started the hobby.
Fish Kept:
1 sand goby, 1 firefish, 2 clowns (now differentiated), 1 yellow tang, 1 black damsel, 1 pijama Cardinal.
I also have a few corals: 1 rock polyps, 2 bubble tips, 3 nanocoral polyps and 2 rocks with mushrooms. I also have two scallops, about 10 hermits and 5 snails.
Tank Size:
46 gallons
About Yourself:
Grad student from MSU, started the hobby back on 2005. plan to continues as long as i can.