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This picture looks better than 34.32% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.77
This picture has been rated : 43 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.59
More Info
United Kingdom
Display is 8 inches cube, and the back compartment is a 4" x 8" x 8" 'sump' if it qualifies as that!
Lighting- 24w 50/50 Interpet Power Compact Tube.
Filtration- Liverock, and Phosphate absorber.
Still a relatively new tank (~4 months) so not heavily stocked yet.
Don't rush it, or it will crash, i found out the hard way unfortunately! Also, don't get cheap lights, pumps etc, otherwise they are guaranteed to fail on you at the most inconvenient time!
Fish Kept:
None, invert only tank.
Ricordea Yumas- Was my first coral in there, has now split into 3 Ricordeas.
Trumpet/Candy Cane Coral- One head is splitting into 3, and about 8 new heads have grown on it.
Brown zoo's w/ green mouths.
Brown Zoo's.
Small Red/White/Green Tubeworm.
Tank Size:
2 gallons
About Yourself:
I am 18, live in the UK, and fancied a bit of a challenge (as well as not spending thousands on a bigger reef!) Still a student at school, and until recently worked in my LFS.