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This picture looks better than 57.98% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.11
This picture has been rated : 114 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.08
More Info
United States
all marineland penguin bio wheel filtration and all fake plants
Read a lot, and learn as much as possible! Used tanks are much cheaper if you can find them! Water changes are important...keeps your water clear and your fish happy :)
Fish Kept:
2 blind cave tetras, 2 albino bristlenose pleco, 5 gold barbs, 4 cherry barbs, 4 zebra danios, 5 x-ray tetras, 5 red eye tetras, 1 upside down catfish, 1 marbled angelfish, 1 common pleco, 3 demasoni cichlids, 2 bumblebee krabro cichlids, 3 red zebra cichlids... for now :)
Rainbow slate, basalt rock, fake plants, and driftwood
If you’re doing something else, and it works, keep doing it!!!
About Yourself:
I started this hobby about 2 years ago.This is one out of the four aquariums I have. Its fun and its addicting! Its a bit of trial and error really.