Rank Info
This picture looks better than 61.64% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.71
This picture has been rated : 49 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 7.01
More Info
United States
160gl, 24x24x72, CORALIFE skimmer, CORALIFE CA Reactor, 40w UV, 1/4h chiller, 20gl Fuge, Auto top off, 2 192w PC fixtures, 2 175 MH, 2 24w actinics
If you arn't obbsessive, stay away from the reef
Fish Kept:
2 Lawnmower blennys, 1 Mandarin, 1 Midas Blenny, 1 Puple Fish, Red Linka, Common Brittle Star, several Peppermint Shrim, Lots of snails/ Hermits including 150+ Cerith, 12+ Astrea 6+ Nassaria, 20+ Hermits, a crap load of pods
Asst Zoas, Large Bubble, Large Hammer, Pagoda Plate, Tooth Coral, Elephate Plate, Pom Pom Zenia, Striped Zenia, Open Brains x3, Orange Plate, Colt, Golden Polyps, Trumpets, Asst Richordia, Acropora sm, Tree Sponge, Coco Worm, Dusters, Finger Leather, cabbage Leather, Torch, I'm tired of typing
Tank Size:
160 gallons
Say hello to my little friend