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This picture looks better than 58.41% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.09
This picture has been rated : 204 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.99
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United States
55 gal with a Penguin Bio - Wheel/200, H.O.T. Magnum Bio-Pro System, Aquaclear/20, with a surface skimmer on it. 1 DIY light with 2-2' 20 watt grow lights and a 4' 40 watt daylight. DIY CO2 with a Top Fin 20 power head. 100 watt stealth heater in the winter.
Patience is the biggest thing. A aquarium is a moving picture of art. Take photos as it grows .
Fish Kept:
Tetra's, Angel's, Loaches, Barb's, Cory's, Pleco, Gourami, Snails, and Shrimp.
Wisteria, Ludwigia, Crypts, Anubis, Java Fern, and Melon Swords.
Tank Size:
55 gallons
If wishes were fishes, everyone would have aquarium
About Yourself:
I've had aquariums off & on since I was a kid. Been back into it for the last 2 yrs. Found out I have a green thumb in growing the underwater plants in just all small-medium gravel. Going to change over to a sand and sub bottom next year and try some diff plants. But the fish love the plants and it makes it look more natural. I have to sell them or give them away when I prune about once every 10 days.