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This picture looks better than 22.75% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.97
This picture has been rated : 112 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.99
More Info
United States
10g-spotted puffer/brackish
10g-black moore goldfish/fresh
10g-fantail&comet goldfish/fresh
14g-assorted platy&mystery snail/fresh[planted]
20g-ballon,sailfin lyretail,assorted mollies/brackish[planted]
55g-southeast asian/fresh=red tail shark,bala shark,assorted gouramies,giant and zebra danios,clown loaches, kuhli loach,spotted peacock eel..angel, convicts, skirt tetra and plecos awaiting a south american tank.asap
55g-african cichlid/fresh=snow white,yellow labs, cobalt blues, acei, red zebras, arautus, venustus or lingstonii, kenyis.one not sure of...lol
learn as much as you can before you commit...care for all the fish's needs and their environment keep only compatable species together- sometimes it is trial and error...doesnt hurt to start small and work as you go, you will alwzays want to try new things and upgrade anyway...filtration and water changes are critical. feed a variety of foods not just flake or pellets. quarentine new fish. spend time watching so you know whats going on, if something changed ,or for the enjoyment... work up to that saltwater tank you are dreaming about...its alot more than just adding marine salt!
Fish Kept:
african cichlids are the "smartest fish"-[quote from animal planet's-mutant planet] and right away you will know why... beautiful, smart, and thousands of varieties make them a favorite to keep and breed. do yourself a favor and check them out sooner or later... you will be glad you did.
lower light varieties
java fern
moss ball
amazon sword
baby tears
Tank Size:
55 gallons
its not the size of the fish for the tank..its the tank for the fish...
About Yourself:
grew up with fish, getting in the hobby now just recently.the fish brighten up my rooms and i always want to try something new or find room and a reason for more...