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New York
United States
I have 2 tanks and working on my 3rd.
The 1st is a 150 gallon with African cichlids ( among other things) Pictured!
The 2nd is a 75 gallon with baby Cichlids
The 3rd is going to be a L shaped tank 200 gallons with the front part of the L shape to be rounded.
I have never seen a tank like that so if any on has any input on what to do as far as setup or know of a tank let me know.
Go big ... its easier to deal with...and you will less likley to lose fish.
Fish Kept:
African Cichlids
I have plants... but i am not that much of a junky to know all the names... but i love my ferns... :)
Tank Size:
150 gallons
All my life... I work with jerks