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The Average Score for this category is: 4.07
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United States
75g 48lx20hx18w. 48"orbit light,fluval404 and 405canister,powersweep228,super skimmer in a 10g sump
take time biuld from bottom up clean up crews are important
Fish Kept:
75g salt / yellow tang,orange shoulder tang,blue hippo tang,atlantic blue tang,longhorncowfish,percula clown,false percula clown,2green chromis,green mandarin dragonet,purple pseudochromis,4stiped damsel,bicolor damsel,pepermint shrimp,banded coral shrimp,cleaner shrimp,lettuce nudibranch,flame scallop,pink tip haition anemone,green long tentical anemone,hermit crabS,snailS,2queen conch,3emerald crabs,85lbs LIVE ROCK.20g salt / chocolatechip starfish,decorator crab,yellow tail damsel,red dotty hawkfish,and yes a green spotted puffer. 65g fresh / 2silver dollers,1climbing perch,2grommies,1painted tetra,4blackfin tetras,1redtail tetras,2dinnos,4pecos one13.5",1choc-pleco,5angels,iredesint shark,sailfinmolly,blue ram.pink parrot cichlid,eletric yellow cichlid,orange pecock cichlid,blue lobster.20g fresh / 2male yellow guppies,pleco,2pink parrot cichlids with 2babies. 20g fresh / blue lobster,pleco,black orange aff cichlid. two1g betta plants. 5g fresh / o ya 2goldfish
75g/red deepwater gorgonian,yellow deepwater gorgonian,green birdnest coral,candy coral,orange flower sponge
Tank Size:
75 gallons
work smarter not harder
About Yourself:
i have this 75g witch is an upgrade from a 55g,this my salt,65g fresh upgrade from 55g,2-20g fresh,1-20g salt i want to try my other 20g as brackish,2betta plants,1 5gfresh,wish list a 265 or 300g salt fishonly in livingroom