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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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United States
right now just basic lights that come with pet smart tanks, and the always reliable aqua clear 500 filter that i used two of on a 250 gallon tank
beware of the melanachromis auratus
Fish Kept:
4 kenyis one with eggs as of today and separated in own 10 gallon 2 melenachromis auratus 3 red zebras 2 jewels 1 yellow lab 2 red top zebras 1 place 1 crayfis
artificial rocks/pants
Tank Size:
50 gallons
About Yourself:
had a community tank...red tail sharks barbs black ghosts and such, bout a auratus for the color(i was maybe 12) and he eventually killed everything, i couldn't figure till i came home from school and saw him digging pits and had turned dark thats when i figured out my problem, i did research and then tried to find him a mate or something he couldn't totally control if at all, went from 55 to 250 gallons as my pops hadn't set his saltwater tank up in over a year so i quietly moved my fish in for more space/territory