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This picture looks better than 58.22% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.08
This picture has been rated : 206 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.76
More Info
My tank is 24 x 15 x 18 ins, Eheim internal filter, 3 x 18w flouros 8.5 hrs per day, eco-complete substrate, Nutrafin Co2 system. Fertilised according to the seachem regime (on their website).
Go easy on the lighting in your set up unless you want an algae tank. When you feel the need for 'just one more fish', be strong and say no. Get to know the people at your local fish shops and spend your dollar there, not Walmart etc.
Fish Kept:
Pair of blue rams, 8 x rummynose tetras, 5 x emperor tetras, 6 corydoras trilineatus.
Various crypts, hygrophilia, blyxa japonica, java fern, anubias, various aponogetons, red tiger lotus, giant and thin valisneria.
Tank Size:
20 gallons
If at first you don't succeed, read some more and ask more questions.
About Yourself:
One tank is never enough.