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This picture looks better than 58.3% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.09
This picture has been rated : 105 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.76
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New York
United States
I believe tank is 125 Gal Tall, it is 60 X 18 X 25 and has natural brown Gravel.
I use Aquatic Life Lighting system with 4 T5 lights and 4 Blue Lunar Lights, all on timers.
There are two RENA Canister Filters under a 4 and a 2 as well as a turbo twist UV light, 9 watts.
|There are also two HOB penguin Bio wheel 350s on the back with a Aqua Clear power head, with filter cartridge on bottom.
Keep Tank clean and do not mess with it too much..
Fish Kept:
Many Neons, Three Blue Discus, Blue and Gold Guarami, 4 Buena Ares tetras, Gold Angel and a few other various fish, all community
Plants, many to mention, most requiring Moderate to high lighting and easy to moderate care level.
Tank Size:
125 gallons
About Yourself:
I have like fish since I was young, when I owned a Oscar and Dempsey 20 Gal long, but just got back in a few years ago for myself and my children