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20 g tall tank, with Coralife light w/compact flourecent 10k & 6700k 65w bulbs, 2 T5 24w 6700k bulbs, led moon light, fluval 204 filter, aquaclear 70 filter, 201 powerhead, CO2 injection, Flourite substrate, digital light timers creating sunrise and sunset giving 9hrs of light a day. I Just added CO2 injection. Cant wait to see it in 2 months.
If you want 41 fish in a 20g tank, be prepared to work on it lots. If 1 fish dies dont panic. Fish die. It happens. If lots die you have a problem. Research your fish before you buy them. You need bottom feeders and algea eaters to help keep it clean. Most fish like to be kept in groups. Feed them a variety of foods. RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH. 25% water change once a week. You dont need to add tons chemicals. Plant food, amonia remover and cycle are all you need. Prune your plants it helps them grow.
Fish Kept:
2 clown loaches, 1 river loach, 5 various cory's, 2 Oto Cat fish, 2 chinese algea eaters. 2 SAE, 3 white clouds, 3 giant danios, 4 zebra danio, 1 leopard danio, 3 rumy nose tetra. 6 neon tetras, 5 random tetras,2 serpae tetras, 2 flower shrimp, 5 ghost shrimp, 5 japonica shrimp,10 cherry shrimp, 41 fish, 22 shrimp
I dont know the names of all of them. Anubias nana, Rotalla, Crypts, Java moss, Java fern, Amazon swords, moneywort, Vallisneeria, sagiteria, floating plants,Dwarf hair grass, Red tiger lotus, Hygrophila, Bacopa, Drift wood I found at a river. Its actually all one piece.
Tank Size:
20 gallons
About Yourself:
Been keeping fish for over 15 years. This is my first heavily planted tank. So far so good.