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This picture looks better than 35.54% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.61
This picture has been rated : 137 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.07
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United States
[60 Gallon Truvu Acrylic Aquarium, Fluval 405 Canister Filter, Fluval 205 Canister Filter, Marineland 1140 Powerhead, Eheim Jager Heater, Coralife PC 10,000 k 65 watt Coralife Actinic 65 watt, 36 watt UV Sterilizer] ----------
[Old tank Marineland Eclipse 29 Gallon Aquarium,
Eclipse Bio-Wheel Filtration,
2 x 18W Eclipse Lighting,
Marineland 1140 Powerhead,
Marineland Stealth Heater,
Tetra Whisper Air Pump] ----------
[30 Gal Half Circle (Soon to be Planted! Under Construction!) Really want it to look good! Planning a DIY Canopy with AH supply Retro Fit Lighting. Because of the shape of the aquarium i can only fit in 2 x 55w. that would be about 3.6 w/g. But hopefully it will do.,
Fluval 205 External Canister Filter, Eheim Jager Aquarium Heater, Flourite as Gravel.]
[10 Gal - Tetra Whisper Filter, Marineland Duetto Submersible Filter, Aquarium Heater, 2 x 13w]
[2.5 Gal - 1 x 12W Lighting, Tetra Whisper 3i Submersible Filter, Marineland Stealth Aquarium Heater Betta Fish!]
Research Everything! Make Friends! ... it's funner and more educational that way. = ] Patience! and Planning!
Fish Kept:
[Old tank - Eclipse 29 Gallon - 1 German Blue Ram, 2 Bolivian Rams, 1 Angelfish, 1 Flounder, 2 Decker Corys, 1 Dwarf Flame Gourami, 1 Female Betta] ----------
[30 Gallon Half Circle (Under construction)
Nothing. There is no water in it!] ----------
[10 Gallon - 2 Peppered Corys, 1 Blue Gourami, 2 Black Skirt Tetras] ----------
[2.5 Gallon - 1 Crowntail Betta]
Still Deciding but want to make my Half Circle heavily planted.
Considering Riccia, hair grass, Glosso for foreground. Not sure about the back. (o.O) ? Suggestions?
Tank Size:
60 gallons
"You Can Never Ever have enough fish! .......
or Aquariums!" = ]
"This Is Very Educational!"
About Yourself:
Got into the hobby because my girlfriend won a Koi fry. Kept it in a Betta tank for a couple of days until we did some more research. We ended up buying a bigger tank, and now I want more and more! The Half Circle Used to hold all of the stuff, but i recently moved it to the eclipse so i can work on making the half circle a planted tank. I am excited about the planted tank and hope that it turns out great! If anyone has any suggestions or tips on planted tanks please let me know! and Thank You!