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This picture looks better than 94.81% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.44
This picture has been rated : 128 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
More Info
United States
210 gallon reef ready, 320lbs of lace rock, white sand, two dart pumps, power compaques and blue moon lights for lighting, 400 gallon filter wet dry, And I painted the back black. Lastly and most importantly a 40 watt Gamma UV sterilizer.
research and have lots of spare change!
Make sure your tank has adequate flow. Adding a UV sterilzer is a must it will save you lots of money and make your water look pristine. Simple small 10% waterchanges weekly and clean filters when they get dirty.
Fish Kept:
About 20 F1 various peacocks, 5 lemon lelupi, 4 Burundi Frontosas , 2 blue dolphins 5 red tailed sharks, 3 rainbow sharks, 5 F1 clown loaches, 3 Iranian red rainbows, 5 synodontis cats, I rhino plecko, I albino pleco, 1 fire eel, 1 large blue lobster
Tank Size:
210 gallons
Insist on yourself. Never Imitate.