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The Average Score for this picture is: 3.31
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The Average Score for this category is: 4.08
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United States
African Cichlid tank whisper power 60 filter, Penguine 350 bio wheel filter, Aqua Clear power head, some rock found in yard some bought. Surface = crushed coral and cichlid gravel.
take your time and learn fast
Fish Kept:
3 Red Zebra
1 Red top
3 bacardi
3 Pseudo sp. "Acei"
1 Juli dickfeldi from lake Tanganyikai
1 synodontis multipunctatus
1 Synodontis schoutedeni
1 electiric yellow
2 kenyi
1 snow white
1 electric blue johnny
1 auratus
1 ob peacock
1 Hap Obliquidens
1 pseudo Polit
1 cat fish
2Clown Loaches
3Cory Cats
2 african clawed frogs
2 Bala Sharks
2 GoldFish
no plants all rock
Tank Size:
55 gallons
"could be, could be not"
About Yourself:
I have loved fish all my life, at age 5 I took out my fathers whole aquarium due to over feeding "hey I just wanted to give the fishey what they wanted", have since matured into a pretty gook fish daddy as my wife calls me. Currently runnig 4 tanks at home, 1 55gal, 1 35gal, and 2 10gal. I just saw what will be my first salt water tank, don't no the name but saw in fish store its 25gal with built in lighting and filtration so hope to have buy xmas, I figure once I get the hang of a small salt I can then upgrade to something bigger.