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United States
29 gal. tank kit from Aqueon. Added a Marineland 280 HOB filter system. Rasied light fixture with brakets to remove hood. I went big on the filter for the tank because I keep adding fish...
Research fish before purchasing as far as water conditions and temperment so you know what other species you can add. Make sure you set up SLOW and get what you want. Begining with the substrate, plants/driftwood, decor, etc. Also, monitor those water conditions in a fresh tank setup if you add fish right away. Other than that this is my first aquarium and I could not be happier (unless I get that 60 gal I want now...)
Fish Kept:
2- Medium Angels
1- Gold Gourami
1- Blue Dwarf Gourami
6- Neon Tetras
4- Cherry Barbs
3- Oto's
2- Clown Loach (1-small, 1-medium)
1- Gold Nugget (L-018)
4- Japonica Shrimp
2- Amazon swords (one plant has 2 clones)
6- Anacharis
3- Brazilian Swords
1- Driftwood w/ Java moss
1- Anubias
2- Dracaena
5- Water Sprite (submersed)
1- Trichomanes
Tank Size:
29 gallons
Just one more fish...you got room ofr it.
About Yourself:
I have had this tank setup for 2.5 months.