Rank Info
This picture looks better than 68.73% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.42
This picture has been rated : 200 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.99
More Info
United States
55G Planted.
Lighting: 130W (10K) Current USA w/ moonlights
Filtratio: Eheim Ecco 2236
Substrate Small Gravel Laterite mix Quickrete Playground sand top layer.
Currently DIY CO2
Be careful who you buy from! Visit multiple stores and write down the fish you are interested in then go HOME and research them! To many times people buy a cute little fish that soon out grows even that big 55 gallon.
Fish Kept:
6 Cherry Barbs, 9 Neon Tetras, 8 Bloodfin Tetras, 5 Gold Crown Tetras, 4 Zebra Danios, 1 Bulldog Pleco,4 Black Khuli Loaches, 2 YoYo Loaches, 1 German Blue Ram(f), 2 Flying Fox, 2 Farlowella Acus, 2 Guppy, 2 Honey Gourami, TONS of MTS.
Sunset Hygro, Red Ludwigia, Anubias barteri var 'nana', Corkscrew Val, Dwarf Hairgrass, Narrow Leaf Chain sword, Cherry Leaf Hyrophila, Alternanthera reineckii var. lilacina.
Tank Size:
55 gallons
About Yourself:
Fish Keeper