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This picture looks better than 46.75% of pictures in this category
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This picture has been rated : 215 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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United States
I have a 4 foot by 1.5 foot by 1 foot (55 gal) aquarium. There is an under gravel filter with 2 power heads, a 70 gal power filter, heater, and 2 lights.
Fish Kept:
4 Brilliant Rasboras, 2 Silvertip Tetra, 4 Zebra Danio, 1 Sunburst Mickey Mouse Platy, 2 Spotted Cory Cats, 1 upside down catfish, 5 neon tetras, and 2 ghost catfish. I am planning on adding a few more small fish in the near future, a few at a time.
I do not have live plants, but the artificial ones are hygrophilia, moneywort, breeding grass, hair grass, corkscrew val., and amazon swordplant. Mainly I picked them because they looked nice in the tank, but I have no idea if they are appropriate for the type of fish.
Tank Size:
55 gallons
About Yourself:
I mainly got the tank to have something soothing in the house, but also because I have a 1 1/2 year old. I am hoping this will keep him entertained occasionally.