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The Average Score for this category is: 4.08
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United States
55 gallon tank
medium sized rocks which he loves to move around. A replica human spine he loves to do loops around. His oringinal owner was in chiropractic school when he went to PetSmart and found Otis as a tiny red devil. He's now over 12 inches and is the best looking Red Devil I've ever seen. He swims backwards lets my boyfriend pet him and when I wear my tourquise bathrobe and walk by his tank it's on! He follows me back and forth like crazy and sometimes splashes water in buckets out of the tank. I just bought him a 88 gallon tank today! I'll update once I get him moved in his new home.
get to know your fish
Fish Kept:
12 + Red Devil Cichlid "Otis"
Tank Size:
55 gallons
About Yourself:
His oringinal owner moved from the east coast and came to Cali to go to school. He was in chiropractic school ( spine in the tank)when he decided to get a tank and the easiest little pets he could find. He went to PetSmart and found Otis as a tiny red devil. Original owner finishes school, graduates and deided to go abroad. What to do with the fish? Which Otis is the only survivor. He asked me if I could take Otis. I jumped at the deal, cause he's super cool! He's now over 12 inches and is the best looking Red Devil I've ever seen. He swims backwards lets my boyfriend pet him and when I wear my tourquise bathrobe and walk by his tank it's on! He follows me back and forth like crazy and sometimes splashes water in buckets out of the tank. I just bought him a 88 gallon tank today! I'll update once I get him moved in his new home.