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This picture looks better than 35.25% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.37
This picture has been rated : 143 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.23
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United States
Tank: 46 Gallon Bow Front All-Glass
Lighting: 36" 96 Watt Flourescent 6500k/10000k. 4 DIY can lights - 2 with 26watt 2700k cfl bulbs - 2 with 13 watt softwhite cfl bulbs. All lights are timed for sun-up, late morning, early afternoon, sunset. Between 2.5 and 3 watts/gallon throughout the day.
Electrics: Rena canister (2 media buckets), Aquaclear powerhead (powers co2 reactor), heater.
Other: Diy CO2, Diy Reactor, 60%/40% Flourite/Natural Gravel, Driftwood, Lake Superior shore rocks
The best way to learn is to make things yourself. Then go buy the toys to make life easier.
Fish Kept:
Black neons, platys, mollies, ottos, tiger barbs
Swords, dwarf lillies (bulbs from walmart), lots of other plants that look nice. The picture listed is lust following a cutback
Tank Size:
46 gallons