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This picture looks better than 18.2% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.18
This picture has been rated : 142 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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United States
New at this, not sure what all to list! This is a 55 Gallon LONG FreshWater Tank. Whisper 60 filteration system, Two All Glass Aquarium Pre-Heat Flourecent bulbs 15 W. each. My tank was JUST set up in this photo & medicen was JUST added so it is Foggy. My Golden Severum was a Very Sick Fish when i got him from poor living conditions & care. he is Quickly on his way to recovery and is Starting to look MUCH better already!
Umm, I AM a new Hobbyist!
Fish Kept:
CICHLIDS: 1 Gold Severum, 1 Large Angel Fish, 1 Very small Angel Fish, 1 Gourami (Type Unknown) and 2 Blue Severums
The plastic kind! And a little live weed up top that grow's like crazy! A couple little agget's, flat flagstone (I think) & Gravel.
Tank Size:
55 gallons
The RICHEST Person is that who finds true love That Lasts Forever! I DID! :-)
About Yourself:
My Wife & I along with the Kid's are having a "Tank War". We each recently got a 55 Gallon tank and split into tems with the Kid's. Each Month there will be a "Winning Team" decided by score on here! We also have Friends who will cast their votes monthly. This teaches our kid's responsibility of caring for the Fish & how their hard work mainting the tanks P.H. levels, Temp, ECT. and Keeping the Fish Healthy & Happy is so very important. My Wife has not yet put fish in Her teams tank yet.