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This picture looks better than 19.95% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.87
This picture has been rated : 110 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.76
More Info
United States
45 g tank 36x12x24
2 30 watt flourescent bulbs
aqua glo and flora glo
1 40 whisper power filter and
1 20 whisper power filter
submersible heater
Do your research before purchasing your fish and plants.
Fish Kept:
2 australian rainbow
2 cory cats
2 otto cats
3 harlequin rasboras
3 zebra danios
1 female guppy
water wisteria
amazon sword plant
anubias nana
giant villisnera
java fern
Tank Size:
45 gallons
About Yourself:
I've had a freshwater for 20 years and took it down a year ago. I have since started it again in August. I am looking to get another 55 gallon tank to house cichlids as I have never had them before