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This picture looks better than 10.13% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 2.91
This picture has been rated : 112 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.08
More Info
United States
55 gal. long kit including hood w/lamps,
Aqueon55 filter, heater.
I added rocks for hiding
flourite and gravel substrate and lots of live plants.
Be patient!!!!! It is worth the wait!
Fish Kept:
2-male Dalmation Mollies, 2 male Guppies 3 Gouramis, 3 barbs and 3 cory cats
Live plants, I have a green thumb!
Tank Size:
55 gallons
The early bird gets the first worm, but the late mouse gets the cheese! "Unknown"
About Yourself:
I am new to this addiction. I also have a 10 gallon with neons, Rummy nose and shrimps. I soon grew out of that. My husband and I just started this 55 gallon. Soom to be adding Gouramis! When I'm not watching my fish you can find me online.