Photo #2 - This Is Our 4 Foot X 15 Inches X 15 Inches It Has...

Submitted By: stuart l jones on
Photo Caption: This is our 4 foot x 15 inches x 15 inches it has taken about 2 years to get to this standard. We have arranged the gravel into a wave effect which gives us more options to make it more interesting for the 28 fish we currently have. The Centre raised section of gravel has a 2 inch plastic tube running through the middle of it which the fish love swimming through and the crab sometimes takes a walk through it. We have a mountian of rock at the back which the 8 shrimp and crab spend most there time hanging out on, the fish love swimming through this the crab climbs up this to get a breath of fresh air and chill. We have a couple of blue L.E.D light hidden at the back which look great when the big light goes of at night. The left side of our tank has got a heavily planted high and low level amount of plant life ( real ) which the fish love swimming in and hiding in. The right side we are waiting to get some Java moss and dwarf grass which will cover the right side of substrait, we have a few plants there. The centre section will remain gravel as the Plec likes hanging out here. This is my pride and joy.
fish tank picture - This is a pic so you can see our Marine set-up above the Tropical fish in the Unit I made specificly for them, we had no room to have two 4 foot tank this was my only option. I think it looks cool the two pumps and rest of electrical gear is in a built in cupboard to the right. still working on the Marine. TO BE CONTINUED.......
50 gallons planted tank (mostly live plants and fish) - This is our 4 foot x 15 inches x 15 inches it has taken about 2 years to get to this standard. We have arranged the gravel into a wave effect which gives us more options to make it more interesting for the 28 fish we currently have. The Centre raised section of gravel has a 2 inch plastic tube running through the middle of it which the fish love swimming through and the crab sometimes takes a walk through it. We have a mountian of rock at the back which the 8 shrimp and crab spend most there time hanging out on, the fish love swimming through this the crab climbs up this to get a breath of fresh air and chill. We have a couple of blue L.E.D light hidden at the back which look great when the big light goes of at night. The left side of our tank has got a heavily planted high and low level amount of plant life ( real ) which the fish love swimming in and hiding in. The right side we are waiting to get some Java moss and dwarf grass which will cover the right side of substrait, we have a few plants there. The centre section will remain gravel as the Plec likes hanging out here. This is my pride and joy.

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Ranked #1981 out of 2712 planted tanks pictures worldwide
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More Info

Country: United Kingdom
Description: 2 x EHEIM canister power filter pumps these cycle the water in both tanks Tropical and Marine 7 times an hour. 2 x Arcadia Fluorescent lighting controllers 45 watt clear tube for Tropical and a 35 watt actinic ( blue ) in the marine. both on a electric timer. and a EHEIM 300 watt thermastat in the Marine and a 250 watt in the Tropical. 2 x Betta glass thermometer, Trops at 27 degrees and Marine at 25 degrees. I have a silent air pump to feed both tanks.
Advice: Use real live weed / plants in your tank this helps keep you tank cleaner and healthier. make the tank as interesting as you can for your fish this is better for them to have places to hide and play in and makes it more fun to watch them. it all takes time but worth every minute of it. more fun than watching the T.V
Fish Kept: TROPICAL - 8 x Ghost Shrimp - fresh water red clawed crab - Asian shark catfish (Pangasius Sutchi ) - Up-side down catfish (Brachysynodontis Batensoda) - red tailed Shark ( Labco Bicolor ) - 2 x anglefish ( Pterophyllum Scalare) - Siamese fighter fish ( Betta Splendens ) - 2 x Firemouth Cichlid ( Thorichthys Meeki ) - kissing gourami (Helostoma Temmincki ) - 2 x Dwarf gourami (Colisa Lalia ) - Sailfin Plec ( Glyptoperichthys Gibbiceps ) - 2 x Cherry Barb ( Barbus Titteya ) - Parrot Fish ( cichlid ) - Molly ( Balloon ) MARINE - 4 x Damsels - Red haired hermit Crab. more to come ........
Corals/Plants: 3 x Ceratophyllum Demersum - Echinodorus Bleheri - Vallisneria natans - Cryptocoryne Balonsea - Cryptocoryne Wendtii - Aponogeton Madagascariensis - Ceratopteris Thalictroides - Hygrophila Difformis - Cryptocoryne Willsii - there are about 3 more different types in there but can't find there names yet. if you can tell let me know.
Tank Size: 50 gallons
Quote: Live long and Prosper
About Yourself: Hi i am 31 year old I have always enjoyed fish but only recent years had enough money to start setting up larger tanks 1 4 foot Tropical tank and a 4 foot Marine tank. The two of them take up a great deal of time and our money but worth every minute and penny of it. These are my pride and joy joint with my bike. I will be setting up a new salt water tank three and a half foot with coral and a Mantis Shrimp over the next few months any advise let me know thanks.


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