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size: 2 x 1 x 1 (feet). 15 gallons tank. White and brown gravels are used. Right now no light is used. I used artifical plants only. Gold, Telescope, Guppy and 1 male fighter(betta). I used HJ-752 filter (18 W, 600 liter/hour).
1. In start dont put too much fishes.
2. Dont forgot to keep filters and Air bubbles.
3. Weekly twice remove 15-20 % of water and add fresh water.
4. 2 months once clear the tank.
5. feed different varity of foods. Always dont feed same type of food.
Fish Kept:
Normal Gold 1 pair, Cream/Silver Gold 1 pair, Red & White Gold 1 pair, Telescope 1 pair, Guppy 2 pair, 1 male Royal BluesGreen fighter fish(Betta)
1 silk artifical plant, 1 normal leaf type artifical plant.
Tank Size:
15 gallons
Love ur Fish and Tank.
About Yourself:
Am a Software Engineer, working in one US based company(Verizon). I like/Love FIsh and garden. Fish is my Life....