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The Average Score for this category is: 4.08
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Tank is currently fresh water, recently converted from Salt. Dimensions are 8 feet long, 2 feet wide, 2.5 feet high. Acrylic tank with blue and while flourescent light sets as well as 3 150 watt metal halide lights, chiller, two large cannister filters, and mainly ocean rocks for decoration.
First decision is either keeping a very busy tank with many smaller fish and lots of decorations, or going with fewer, larger fish and a simpler tank setup. I prefer larger fish as they seem to have more personality to me and have more of an impact than small fish.
Fish Kept:
Currently have 1 irridescent shark (10 inches), two Jack Dempseys, 8 assorted african cichlids, 2 firemouth cichlids, 3 bala sharks (3 inches) and two straightbodied silver fish with pink tails and yellow pectoral fins. They stay at the surface (6 inches)
Use ocean rocks and some various sticks taken from the Atlantic. No live rock now that I've converted from Salt water.
Tank Size:
300 gallons