Photo #6 - My Acan And Rose Bulb Anemone With His Partner Th...

Submitted By: coco on
Photo Caption: My acan and rose bulb anemone with his partner the maroon clown fish.
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24 gallons reef tank (mostly live coral and fish) - 24 gallon reef
corals inverts - entacmaea quadricolor - rose bulb anemone stocking in 24 gallons tank - My acan and rose bulb anemone with his partner the maroon clown fish.
24 gallons reef tank (mostly live coral and fish) - My nano 24 gallon gem!!! 50lbs of live rock ricordea mushrooms, green leather coral, brown polyps, different kind of mushrooms, chili coral, and last its an acan coral!!Just 2 fish maroon clown that ive had for about 4 years now with his love the rose bulb anemone and a fiji damsel, the rest are hermit crabs a beautiful indian starfish and a sea urchin.
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freshwater fish - celestichthys margaritatus - celestial pearl danio stocking in 24 gallons tank - Celestichthys Margaritatus also known as celestial pearl danio or galaxy rasbora.

Rank Info

Ranked #169 out of 2372 corals & inverts pictures worldwide
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The Average Score for this picture is: 6.18
This picture has been rated : 11 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 7.01

More Info

State: Pennsylvania
Country: United States
Description: The 24 gallon nano aquapod has a metal halide with leds as well. has a skilter attached to the back as well. The 40 gallon breeder with tons of freshwater plants, anubias crypts, hairgrass. Lighting is provided by compact jbj 10,000 daylight and 6500. Water filtered by eheim pro wet dry.
Advice: start of slow and learn the hobby.
Fish Kept: Saltwater tank i only have 2 fish a maroon clown and a fiji damsel, i also have a indica starfish, a skunk shrimp thats been round 4 years now, sea urchin and some hermit crabs.In the freshwater tank i have 2 cory, 2 siamese algae eaters, 2 otto cats, 6 celestial pearls, and 6 white clouds.
Corals/Plants: in the saltwater mushrooms, ricordia, live rock, chili coral, green leather coral, and polyps. in the fresh water tank tons of plants crypts wendti, anubias, java fern , hairgrass, and many more.
Tank Size: 24 gallons
About Yourself: I've been keeping both saltwater and freshwater fish for more than half my life i just enjoy it all around, from the fish to the plants and corals.


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