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The Average Score for this category is: 5.63
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120g Reef Tank, (approx. 5'x2'x2') 180 lbs L.R., 80lbs Crushed Coral sand, 2x250MH, 2x96w Actinc, 4 LED moon light, Turbo Float Skimmer, 30 G wet/dry Sump with 10lbs L.R., 17g Refugium with Chaeto, L.R., 4 inch deep sand bed, 1200gph main pump, additional 4 P.H. in tank @ a total of 3000gph, internal dual overflows.
Temp 76 to 78
Salinity 1.026
Nitrate 0
Nitrite 0
Phosphate less then 0.05
Alk 4.5
PH 8.2/8.3
2 stage B-Ionic
2 drops Lugols/week
10ml Strontium/week
food - Multi frozen, pellets, flake, nori, garlic drip
As much light and water movement that you can afford. What ever size tank you choose to buy, double it and save yourself the upgrade at a later date.
Fish Kept:
1 Yellow Tang, 1 Chevron Tang, 1 Powder Blue Tang, 1 Flame Angel, 2 Blue Damsels, 1 Six Line Wrasse, 2 Clowns, 1 Mandarin Goby, 1 Blue-Green Chromis, 1 Blue Throat Triger, 2 Crocea Clams, 2 fire shrimp, 2 Candy Cane shrimp, 2 pepermint shrip, 1 Orange star fish, 1 Porcelian Crab, Multi Snails & blue hermit crabs
Hammers, Leathers, Acro's, Elkhorn, Multi Zoo's, Multi Mushrooms, Open Brains, Plate Coral, Feather Dusters, Duncan, Rose Tip Anemone, Pagoda
Tank Size:
120 gallons