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The Average Score for this category is: 4.08
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United States
If your tap water tests positive with a high ammonia content install a reverse osmosis water filter to remover the ammonia as well as other harmful chem. My tap water tests at 5.0 or higher for ammonia but after going through my reverse osmosis GE brand filter it tests to less than .15< it has been my savior in keeping my tanks.
Fish Kept:
I have pink kissing gourami's and tiger barbs in my 29 gallon tank, a green puffer in a 10 gallon half moon. I have also successfully raised albino clawed frogs as well as plain old guppies (for frog food)
Tank Size:
29 gallons
About Yourself:
I started my tanks (all of them) from believing Walmart's recommendations for "tank mates". I had a beautiful Beta in a vase with a live plant. I saw the cutest little pinkish frogs one day while buying food, billed as tank mates for betas. after getting home I looked them up and found the cute little frogs grow fist size and eat fish. hmm... need for separate homes. Enter 5 gal aquarium, frog looked lonely.. enter bigger (29 gal) tank and some gouramis (get to big to be food) and a companion frog. 5 gal became guppie tank (cheep frog food). fast forward frogs died from metal allergy while on vacation (forgot to remind frog sitter :-( ) decided to just add tiger barbs to tank, gave guppies and tank away. Walmart strikes again friends, saw some cute little green puffers, they supposedly buddied well with gouramis, bought them, got home, researched and found out wrong again, need own tank with different PH... enter alkaline tank for puffers. Love them all! but don't trust Walmart they know nothing!