Photo #1 - 4ft Tank With Homemade 3d Background. 1 Marine Wh...

40 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - 4ft tank with homemade 3D background. 1 marine white bulb and blue actnic light to enhcnce the fishes colours. Several built in caves (with side views) mean the fish have places to hide and feel safe. The fake rock overhangs give a nice authentic feel and great shadows.
Submitted By: Stuart on
Photo Caption: 4ft tank with homemade 3D background. 1 marine white bulb and blue actnic light to enhcnce the fishes colours. Several built in caves (with side views) mean the fish have places to hide and feel safe. The fake rock overhangs give a nice authentic feel and great shadows.
40 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - 4ft tank with homemade 3D background. 1 marine white bulb and blue actnic light to enhcnce the fishes colours. Several built in caves (with side views) mean the fish have places to hide and feel safe. The fake rock overhangs give a nice authentic feel and great shadows.

Rank Info

Ranked #881 out of 5264 freshwater tanks pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 83.26% of pictures in this category
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The Average Score for this picture is: 4.83
This picture has been rated : 209 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.13

More Info

Country: United Kingdom
Description: 48x12x15 tank.. With home-made 3d background with plenty of caves. Sand subsrate and fake plants.
Advice: Just be patient and read up on the subject... don't be afraid to try new things, but remember to budget well
Fish Kept: Mostly Malawi cichlids,1 South american cichlid, 1 Pleco and 2 upside down catfish.. All happy and settled in the new tank Unfortunately most of my fish are hiding in this pic... I will try to find a better pic soon
Corals/Plants: Due to the nature of african cihclids, I have only fake plants in my tank
Tank Size: 40 gallons
Quote: ...
About Yourself: I have 3 tanks now, 2 2ft and 1 4ft


Hi, superb tank! especially the background can you send me a procedure - step by step guide on how to make, materials needed to use. I'm from the Philippines. fish avatar
Hi i love the background, can please mail me a copy of the same to my gmail account i.e. Also please let me know how to setup the rock in order like your tank. fish avatar
tank looks great. 3d background looks sweet.can you email me the step by step guide with photos etc like stated above. again, really cool tank. Crxalence fish avatar
Hi love the background do you think you could send me a copy of that guide and photos it looks great I hope to set up new tank soon and would like to try one..thanks, Andy fish avatar
that 1 south american cichlid is dead center of the phote with the 5 black dots on him and thats a peacock bass the get HUGE!!!love the tank also fish avatar
Matt69bull: Thanks for the comment . Yes, the background is moulded from polystyrene and then coated in ordinary portland cement. It's not difficult as such, just takes a little imagination, but it does take ages to do, e.g waiting for each layer to set properly and then to "cure" to bring the PH levels down. It is relatively cheap to do also. If you need more info w/b and I'll write up and email you a step by step guide with photos etc.. fish avatar
hey! is the bakground concrete? moulded from polystyrene? if so how hard was it? coz i so want that look! :D w/b cheers! fish avatar


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