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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
More Info
Im not too sure on the Size of my fish tank or how many litres it is. I would guess around 55gallons? At the moment I have a few species of chiclids ad a clown loach living in tank. The only plant life is a piece of drift wood with a plant growing off. Im looking to improve my fish tank and any advice Will be greatly appreciated and looked into.
Start small
Fish Kept:
Various Chiclid species
Clown Loach
Drift wood with plant
Tank Size:
55 gallons
About Yourself:
Im 19 and live in australia. I would love for some people to teach me more about the fish i have in my tank and better or more attractive way to set my tank up. I love attending to my tank, so all criticism or ideas are constructively viewed.