Photo #1 - 10g, 1 Jack Dempsy, 1 Snow White Chiclid, 1 Harp,...

Submitted By: itslucid no.4 on
Photo Caption: 10g, 1 jack dempsy, 1 snow white chiclid, 1 harp, 1 electric yellow, 1 red zebra, 1 ob peacock, 1 clown pleco, 1 electric blue, and 1 fish that i cant figure out. I think its in the convict family. lighting is 25watt incandescent and 10watt florescent. filter is a h.o.t. magnum 250. i know filter kinda too big for tank.
50 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - 10g, 1 jack dempsy, 1 snow white chiclid, 1 harp, 1 electric yellow, 1 red zebra, 1 ob peacock, 1 clown pleco, 1 electric blue, and 1 fish that i cant figure out. I think its in the convict family. lighting is 25watt incandescent and 10watt florescent. filter is a h.o.t. magnum 250. i know filter kinda too big for tank.
50 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - 50g, 3reddevil, 3kenyi, 2peacock, 1pleco,3type living plants

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Ranked #3920 out of 5264 freshwater tanks pictures worldwide
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More Info

State: Hawaii
Country: United States
Description: tank is fresh water with a 15g wet dry system and one top filter. tank is about 50"w 35"h 14"d. using home made stand and hood with a 48" lighting fixture with 2 pets and plant florescent light. water pump is 300gph.
Advice: keep clean
Fish Kept: 3 red devil, 3 kenyi, 1 pink blotch peacock, 1 pleco, 1 banded chiclid.
Corals/Plants: dont know kind of plant but it just looks like elephant grass. river rocks is from your local garden section.
Tank Size: 50 gallons
Quote: smeen!!! (its mean)
About Yourself: i was fascinated by the aggression of many fishes. and then it will be cool to have plant that you dont need to


Don't mix africans with central and south americans! That tank isn't big enough for just one of those fish! Do your fish and yourself a favor and get a 55 or larger, or get rid of those fish and get some guppies or something for that tank!! fish avatar
way too small!!!!!! poor fish. fish avatar
thanks for the comment mike. I really dont want to have caves because of their territorial habits. and if I do add in caves. I will end up with just a couple of fishes. fish avatar
you know that for chiclids you should have caves of rocks, so they can make territories. fish avatar


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