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United States
This is ONE of my fish tanks. I have 12 tanks, the smallest of are 2 29 gals. This one is a 55 gal that has rapidly growing GF. This photo was taken last year. It has a 8 inch lion head, a 10 inch chocolate fan tail, 3 comets @ 14 inches, and the various sized/typed offspring of these fish. They are obviously happy if they spawn as much as they do!
If you have a ten gal tank, dont get 3 oscars and a Pleco and expect them to live.
ALSO: Goldfish do NOT belong in little tiny bowls.
My comets (feeder goldfish) started out all less than 1-2 inches long just 3 years ago. They are now over 14 inches in length. Gold fish are fantastic... just remember they get BIG.
Fish Kept:
I have had so many types of fish I cant even list them all.
I currently have (too many too count...) Goldfish (fancy/'common'), Oscars, Flower horns, Dovii (wolf cichlids), Tropicals, Bettas, and Native fish (US).
I prefer fake as my fish cant stop eating real ones... I also prefer river rock over aquarium gravel as I have had fish die from injesting the little colored chips. River rock is better! NOT TO MENTION WAAAAAY cheaper.
Tank Size:
55 gallons
violence leads to fear, fear leads to hate, hate leads to Bush