Photo #1 - This One Is A 55 Gal That Has Rapidly Growing Gf....

55 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - This one is a 55 gal that has rapidly growing GF. This photo was taken last year. It has a 8 inch lion head, a 10 inch chocolate fan tail, 3 comets @ 14 inches, and the various sized/typed offspring of these fish. They are obviously happy if they spawn as much as they do!
Submitted By: AmyR on
Photo Caption: This one is a 55 gal that has rapidly growing GF. This photo was taken last year. It has a 8 inch lion head, a 10 inch chocolate fan tail, 3 comets @ 14 inches, and the various sized/typed offspring of these fish. They are obviously happy if they spawn as much as they do!
55 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - This one is a 55 gal that has rapidly growing GF. This photo was taken last year. It has a 8 inch lion head, a 10 inch chocolate fan tail, 3 comets @ 14 inches, and the various sized/typed offspring of these fish. They are obviously happy if they spawn as much as they do!

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Ranked #4988 out of 5263 freshwater tanks pictures worldwide
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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13

More Info

State: Washington
Country: United States
Description: This is ONE of my fish tanks. I have 12 tanks, the smallest of are 2 29 gals. This one is a 55 gal that has rapidly growing GF. This photo was taken last year. It has a 8 inch lion head, a 10 inch chocolate fan tail, 3 comets @ 14 inches, and the various sized/typed offspring of these fish. They are obviously happy if they spawn as much as they do!
Advice: If you have a ten gal tank, dont get 3 oscars and a Pleco and expect them to live. ALSO: Goldfish do NOT belong in little tiny bowls. My comets (feeder goldfish) started out all less than 1-2 inches long just 3 years ago. They are now over 14 inches in length. Gold fish are fantastic... just remember they get BIG.
Fish Kept: I have had so many types of fish I cant even list them all. I currently have (too many too count...) Goldfish (fancy/'common'), Oscars, Flower horns, Dovii (wolf cichlids), Tropicals, Bettas, and Native fish (US).
Corals/Plants: I prefer fake as my fish cant stop eating real ones... I also prefer river rock over aquarium gravel as I have had fish die from injesting the little colored chips. River rock is better! NOT TO MENTION WAAAAAY cheaper.
Tank Size: 55 gallons
Quote: violence leads to fear, fear leads to hate, hate leads to Bush


awesome not to many ppl can make goldfish breed. and have offspring that live. not as ez as it looks. good job on this tank. fish avatar


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