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The Average Score for this category is: 5.76
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New York
United States
Nothing special, both tanks have air pumps, filters and heaters of no particular brand.
Don't over populate your tanks; do research. For freshwater the general rule is an one gallon per one inch of fish, more for goldfish and large catfish. Also pick a tank based on how big the fish will get, not what they are when you purchase them.
Fish Kept:
Between both tanks:
9 Cory Catfish
Two guppies
Four Snails: 2 blue mystery, 1 black mystery, and 1 white mystery
One algae eater (that will most likely be finding a new home due to the number of corys in the bigger tank)
Purple Waffle
Drift wood
Something else that I forget the name of
Tank Size:
14 gallons