Rank Info
This picture looks better than 28.5% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.51
This picture has been rated : 39 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
More Info
United States
120 reef tank
2 400 20,000K
6 55 blue PC
Tide pool 2
tons of fish and coral and inverts
Go slow / not everything you read is true
Fish Kept:
potters angel - imperator angel - male and female bellus angel - male and female zerba angle - 6 seahorse - 4 janas pipefish - 4 shrimp fish - 6 misc goby - 1 horseface blenny - black tang - chevron tang - blonde naso male - sailfin tan (Aust ) 2 moorish idols
6 differnt color richorda - 10 asst zoo and button polyp - colt coral - rasta leather - yellow leather - 2 toadstools leather - 3 diffenrt blasstomas coral 2 antcathrea coral 2 modern brains - 3 frogspawns + more