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United States
75 gallon African Cichlid Tank, with Tetra EX Power Canister Filter 120 and a Penguin Bio Wheel 200 HOB filter. X 2 20 watt bulbs with Exotic Rose tinge. Coral Sand substrate with Black gravel mix. Dead coral rock work carefully stacked for excellent hiding spots/nests.
Live and learn. Of course read whatever you can on fish keeping, and don't be afraid to try new things. That's how I learned most of my lessons.
Fish Kept:
1 pair of Melanochromis Johanni, 1 pair of Melanochromis Aurauts, 1 Redtop Cobalt Zebra, 1 Red Zebra, 3 small Lomardoi, 1 Cobalt blue Zebra, 2 Caeruleus, 2 Venustus, 1 Crabo, 1 Jacob Friebergi, 1 pair of Jewels, and 2 Frontosa Cichlids. Most inhabitants have been in there for 1 year plus.
Dead coral collected from beach.
Tank Size:
75 gallons
About Yourself:
Been fish keeping for 5 years. 5 Tanks.