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The Average Score for this category is: 4.08
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United States
The tank is a 20 gallon high. It is 24x14x12. The lighting is "Tropic Sun" from "Zoo Med". I use a standard power filter 30. I currently do not have a heater due to the season. I do not like to have it in when I'm not using it.
Be extremely patient, it will definitly be worth it. Do plenty of research and be willing to maintain the tank because that is the second most important thing.
Fish Kept:
In this tank I have Mixed African Cichlids. I have kept almost all types of common petstore, peaceful temperment fish. I have a ten gallon fish tank with Guppies and Dwarf Gouramies (which are less agressive then regular Gouramies). I always have a Plecostomus for my tanks and a bottom feeding catfish.
I have kept an Anubias Coffeefolia plant for almost 2 years now. As for my other plants I have not had too much luck. The plants of course require care just like the fish. Fake plants can look really real if you place the, right and choose the right ones. (the more expensive ones are better!)
Tank Size:
20 gallons
don't have one
About Yourself:
I became a fan of the hobby when I was 13. My friend got a tank and I had to get one too. I have kept the same 20 gallon tank for 6 years now. I personally do not prefer extremely large tanks. Anything between a 10 and 75 gallon is fine.