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The Average Score for this picture is: 3.15
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The Average Score for this category is: 5.76
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Freshwater tank - not finished yet.
Knowledge and patience is key...I have lost many fish and some plants to my inexperience and lack of patience. (I didn't research the electric blue lobster before I threw him in the mix, and realized afterward what a great hunter he is - I have lost MANY platys this way....)
Fish Kept:
gouramis, platys, cardinal tetras, white skirt tetras, pleco, albino cory, electric blue lobster, feeder shrimp (yeah, they're supposed to be food, but they keep reproducing!)
narrow leaf bacopa, cambomba, amazon sword, java moss, banana plant, red tiger lotus, a few artificial plants
Tank Size:
35 gallons
Don't sweat the petty stuff and don't pet the sweaty stuff!
About Yourself:
I started with a really small 10 gal tank...
My platys started having tonnes of babies, so I decided to upgrade my aquarium and get into live plants.