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This picture looks better than 83.35% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.54
This picture has been rated : 28 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.59
More Info
United States
125g Lung fish only tank.4 overflows into30g sump.No gravel to keep tank extra clean.My fish is 2' and makes alot of waste.0 nitrates,0 phosphates.I use alot of filter media,carbon etc.I use techniques from my 125g stony coral tank.
bring your wallet
Fish Kept:
Lung Fish,pleco,ghost shrimp,guppies in the main tank .and amano shrimp in the sump. Reef tank assorted damsels bicolor chromis,sotted moray,cleaner shrimp, wrasses,etc.
java fern of 3 types.I hate fake plants but I like my fake rocks and roots.They are easy to move and don't effect water chemistry. sps,lps,soft stuff.Around 150 seperate colonies of acorapora,capricornus,digatata.
Tank Size:
125 gallons
go big or go home!!!
About Yourself:
17yrs in the game ! I have kept a ton of fish and corals.I have also aquacultered and sold a ton of coral.My lungfish is the best fish I have ever kept in my book.