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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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New York
United States
2 sun glo bulbs,2- 30 to 60 gal filters, 2 glass vases that had plants inside until the fish ate 'em
3 logs for hiding,2 airstones
just have fun with it. don't try to be be a perfectionist with this this hobby,because when something goes wrong or your fish die your gonna really be pissed... learn as you go and read about a fish before you buy it.
Fish Kept:
12 and 6 inch channel cats,1 black shark,1 red fin shark,algae eater,5 gourami's,snails,5 catfish,2 kissing fish
i had a lot of live plants but the fish ate 'em
Tank Size:
55 gallons
i'll be right back....