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United States
I have a 34 Gallon Red Sea Max. It has 2 HO T5 and 2 actinic lights. This is an out of the box setup, however, I did not use the sand that came with the tank I purchased live sand. This is my first tanks which was setup in May 08.
Since this is my first tank I can tell you I have done a lot of research. If you purchase the Red Sea Max make sure to get a second hood. The hood light ballast went out on me and it is a special order item for about 300.00 which is nice to have on hand. I do 5 gallon water changes every Friday. I feed a combination of live and flake food every other day and do not do any supplements other than what comes in the water I keep.
Fish Kept:
2 Clown fish, 1 firefish, 1 ?, some kind of angel fish and a brittle star and blue star.
I have an open brain coral, toadstool leather, another leather, pulsing zena, frogspawn, various mushrooms, sunpolyp, several star polyps, and whatever else you see in the pictures.
Tank Size:
34 gallons
Change your water
About Yourself:
I own a computer network company.
which provides a lot of stress which I needed a hobby so I chose this one. I have a degree in Chemistry and Biology which helps out understanding the chemistry of the tank.