Photo #1 - 30 Gallon All Glass Tank With Housing Few Black A...

40 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - 30 Gallon all glass tank with housing few black angles 2 different species of Tetra 1 cory cat fish and an apple snail.Nothing is expensive in this setup all the white sand and rocks are collected from a river nearby.I have all taken care of the filtration i am using a top filter which gives an output of 150 gallon per hour.I perform 20 % water change weekly .I feed the inhabitants blood worms and tetra mini bits.
Submitted By: talha on
Photo Caption: 30 Gallon all glass tank with housing few black angles 2 different species of Tetra 1 cory cat fish and an apple snail.Nothing is expensive in this setup all the white sand and rocks are collected from a river nearby.I have all taken care of the filtration i am using a top filter which gives an output of 150 gallon per hour.I perform 20 % water change weekly .I feed the inhabitants blood worms and tetra mini bits.
40 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - 30 Gallon all glass tank with housing few black angles 2 different species of Tetra 1 cory cat fish and an apple snail.Nothing is expensive in this setup all the white sand and rocks are collected from a river nearby.I have all taken care of the filtration i am using a top filter which gives an output of 150 gallon per hour.I perform 20 % water change weekly .I feed the inhabitants blood worms and tetra mini bits.

Rank Info

Ranked #3316 out of 5263 freshwater tanks pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 36.99% of pictures in this category
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The Average Score for this picture is: 3.64
This picture has been rated : 94 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.13

More Info

Country: Bangladesh
Description: well my tank is a 30 gallon tall fish tank with proper lighting aquarium heater power filter thermometer air pump and all the necessary equipments needed .
Advice: well never hurt any pet always give them what they need and never over feed ur fish and never stress them if u make them happy they will make you happy and plz change the water of ur fish tank 20 % every week
Fish Kept: 3 pair balloon Mollie all female 2 pair platy 3 female and 1 male 5 guppies 3 female 2 male 4 moon tail mollie all black 2 mail 2 female
Corals/Plants: all artificial
Tank Size: 40 gallons
Quote: love animals they will love u tooo
About Yourself: well im just a easy going guide care a lot about animals i hav tank just for my molly plate and guppies and for no1 else i just love them


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