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This picture looks better than 70.74% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.44
This picture has been rated : 106 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.08
More Info
United Kingdom
Fluval roma Tank 4ft long with all fluval equiptment , with black backgroud and two airstones.
do alot of research and seek advice
Fish Kept:
Silver sharks, Angel fish, Cherry Barbs, opaline gouranis, sailfin plec, columbain tetras,
Sand and artifical plants,the rock i got it in maidenhead aquatics not sure what it is made of though
Tank Size:
52 gallons
About Yourself:
Been keeping fish for 13 years now started off with goldfish , love fishtanks progressed from there.