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This picture looks better than 27.4% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.14
This picture has been rated : 91 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.23
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United Kingdom
91x30x38cm community tank, T8 flourescent lighting, Nutrafin CO2 unit, 3 airlines (night only to offset CO2), Fluval 3+ filter, Tetra planted substrate underneath gravel layer, which also contains crushed oyster shell for added alkilinity, temp 27C. Use API root tabs under the swords and Leaf Zone weekly.
Read, read, read. Then read some more.
Fish Kept:
Guppies (25+), platys (4), Siamese fighters (1m, 1f), cherry red shrimp, 2 bristlenose pleco, 1 bristlenose cat, 5 neons, 10 black bar endlers, 1 cavefish, 2 pineapple swordtails, 5 gold mountain minnows, 5 glass fish; separate tank has 1 angel (small), 1 balloon mollie and 1 full grown rainbow shark.
swords, tiger lillies, cabomba, hornwort, moss balls, water wisteria+ more; about 10 different species in there.
Tank Size:
26 gallons
Never forget the poly layer under the tank; take it from one who knows... :o
About Yourself:
Fell into fishkeeping when my daughter came home with a small Rena tank containing an unwanted red tail shark (aka rainbow shark). He's still in there, not risking him in the community! This is my first 'proper' tank.